Coloring Books and Coffee Meet Up
There is nothing like gathering up your favorite crayons, markers, and pens and settling in for a couple hours of coloring until your heart is content. Coloring books are all the rage, but let's be honest...they've never left my book shelves! Bring along your favorite children's or adult's coloring books, from simple to complex, the BIG box of crayons, markers, or colored pencils and let's chat!
I will provide a few FREE printable coloring pages for those who don't have an arsenal of coloring book options available, but the fun in this one is seeing what everyone else brings and sharing new artists and resources.
Who: You, your pals, an artsy looking stranger off the street, and any well-behaved tiny humans you'd like to share some time with
What: Coloring books, sketchbooks, crayons, markers, color pencils, and any other coloring medium your heart desires
When: 10/217/15, 1:00 PM
Where: The Coffee Gallery Backstage
Why: Coloring is a wonderful way to relax and unwind!
How: Bring your own supplies and coloring books/pages and be prepared to make at least one purchase from the coffee shop to support small business.
Our last Coloring Books and Coffee Event was a BIG HIT! Check out the gallery for photos from August's Meeting, and RSVP now so you won't miss out! Please RSVP at: